Wednesday, February 6, 2013


You know what’s weird: the need for physical affection. You know why that’s weird: because of God. This oddity is two-fold. On one hand, God created us to need each other. So not only do we need Him, but we need each other. But that’s just the second part of the “fold”—we need Him. Him. All-powerful, all-wonderful, almighty God. The King of kings and Lord of lords. We need His Love and we need Him. So if this all-powerful, all-wonderful, almighty God is that He says He is why did He make us to need someone other than Him? And why is it so hard to ask for that need to be filled? Well that’s exactly why. Some of you read that sentence, “And why is it so hard to ask for that need to be filled?” and you cringed. Why? Pride. (I know I seem to have all the answers to life today but… well actually, I do… it’s Jesus…)

But THAT’s just IT! Jesus is all the answers, and Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself. And yourself needs physical affection. I’m not saying we need to break out and start “loving” our neighbor and his mom. I mean that, as Christ-followers, we need to develop the ability to tell when someone, especially those close to us, needs a hug, pat on the back, or something that lets them know, “Hey, I’m here for you.” Seriously, I know we can’t practically go around hugging everyone (the opposite sex may enjoy this, but then they’ll think you have a crush on them, and things just go downhill). But with those we are close with, a pat on the arm, a high five, I don’t know. Maybe I’ve lost it. Maybe I’m just speaking from my own brokenness. Maybe I’m the one who needs the hug or who needs to learn when her friends want one. But, you see, there’s vulnerability in that, too, because when you go to give a hug and it’s rejected, it hurts almost as much as needing a hug and not receiving it. However, on that end, I am just being selfish, because if I sense a friend (and in this do mean one of the same gender; call me a prude, but we just have to be really careful when it comes to giving those of the opposite sex hugs—wisdom is very much needed) needs a hug and I offer it but they do not receive it, have I done something wrong? No. Have I been rejected in a way? Yes. But that’s okay because it is not about me. In that moment, it is about them and what they need.

So… don’t be selfish. If you are not an affectionate person, maybe you are not the one to go around being the main hugger person… but maybe you can also develop your skills with your family and closest friends, because everyone needs some kind of physical affirmation.

And if you’re the person who needs the hug… go hug someone close to You. And don’t give them a I-need-a-hug-so-I’m-giving-you-a-hug-so-I-can-get-my-hug. No, ask God to help you love someone else because He loves you. Simple as that. He won’t let you down J

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