Friday, November 23, 2012

Phantom Lovers

I go back to fantasy crushes like Bieber and Young because I know that they will never love me back; I know that there is no chance there and because my heart has been conditioned to being alone and phantom-ly rejected by guys I do know and I allow the pain to wash over me in order to be back in to a familiar place. Why is it I keep running back to the counterfeits? Because that is what I know. And I know, that is pathetic and I need to stop and be patient. And this time I realized that before the pain could reach my heart; I looked up and thought, “You don’t know me. Oh, you might one day, but then it will be too late because I have a Lover and He’s known me forever and has never left me disappointed because he didn’t know my care for Him existed.” Not to mention wherever my man is; wherever he is, he’s not going to find me panting over your face on the computer. He’s going to find me panting from how hard I just worshipped my Faithful Lover.
Shahbam ;)
(Nothing against either one of these young men or any other famous guy; I’m a just done with phantom lovers— those who only existed in my mind. You say that’s creepy and weird; I say there are many more girls like me out there and I don’t want them suffering unnecessarily like I did.)
God is… no words :D

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