Wednesday, January 23, 2013


A lot of things have taken place since I have last spoken to you. I know you are not aware of all of them, but here are some: you have grown and changed. You are slowly but surely allowing Me to open up the wounds in your heart that you have attempted to hide away and ignore for too long. You are learning to celebrate Who I am instead of questioning every move I make. For that, I am proud of you; you are learning the art of trusting, learning that you do not always have to know or understand to walk in faith and trust in Who I Am. I AM the Lord Your God, who gave his Life for yours, so that You and I could live together in a relationship.

Daughter, take heart in Me. Keep trusting Me, keep walking in Me. I know it can look scary because some of the things I ask you to do may not make perfect sense at the time, but know that I am with you and have asked others to do odder things than that which I will require of you.

Rejoice in Me, daughter; do not fear, do not look at the precarious waves. Before you realize it they will settle into a gentle swaying. Until and even at that time, keep your focus on Me, the Lover of your soul and Healer of your wounds. I love you and thank you for your obedience, not because I need it but because through it I am able to accomplish that which I have designed you for.

I love you more than life, daughter. Stay strong in Me.


Thursday, January 17, 2013


My father has always been in my life, and that is why I am slightly annoyed that I have even gone/am going through this.
I am putting this online because afterwards I will feel more responsible to actually live out this new conviction God has placed on my heart, knowing the world has access to this confession and conviction.

Ever since I was young, I was boy crazy. Ironically, they weren’t crazy about me. They were crazy about my friends, but never me. So, to cut to the chase, even as a more sedate, young woman, I eventually began to believe the ideas that: 1) Guys don’t notice me, 2) Guys like my friends, and 3) There is no guy good enough for me.

With these beliefs, my heart quietly sat, fighting off the pain and clinging to hope beyond logic that one day my dreams would become a reality and guys would in fact realize that I exist!

That day has seemed to come—but THAT is not why I am writing this.

Here is where I will state the fact that I am still boy crazy; I just keep it on the down low because this is not a favorable aspect of me. Now there are certain characteristics that have to be present in the guys, and unfortunately one of them is swag. For those of you who do not know what that means, I can only explain it as this being the way a guy carries himself, and there are a lot out there who, despite all of their mistakes and flaws, have quite a bit of swag.

Even having said all of that, none of it is the reason I am posting this.

This morning while I was trying to worship, God brought to mind some of the guys who have seemed to notice me. It hurts my pride and makes me truly sad to realize that I have come to expect and feed off of their attention. So this morning as I was failing to connect with Him, God let me know that I needed to give Him my heart and the desire to be noticed.

Don’t get me wrong—guys noticing girls is not a bad thing, However, two negative factors of this new situation is: 1) These guys do not present themselves to be the most respectful young men and I am not sure that my response is encouraging them to be respectful, and 2) My source of confidence need only spring from the Love and affirmation of my Creator, Friend, and Lover of my soul.

This is so hard to type because… I am a girl. I do not know any other way to put it. I like the attention of guys and it hurts to think that in order to please God I have to give that up. Do not get me wrong, I am NOT saying that if a guy is showing interest in a young lady, she then needs to run to the nearest church and begin praying for deliverance; my point is that if his attention is her source of affirmation, she needs to begin to cut off that source of fulfillment and find it where she was meant to.

(The girl in me wants to add that maybe my noticing them back is a way that God can change their hearts!... Then I remember all that times I have told other young women, “We cannot change guys who do not see or feel the need to change; only God can do that” and He can do it without out help. There is a time to be there for the guys in our lives, but this is not the same as changing them. Like we do with our girlfriends, we can walk without brothers in Christ and lift the up to God I prayer—but changing them is not something we can or should try to do. Only God can make a heart new.)

I need to cut off these sources, and my flesh is not enjoying this idea. However, I have to choose what is more important: fulfilling my desires for a moment, or honoring my Savior with my life. Welp, that answers that question J

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

He woke me up at 6:41 this morning...

Walking in faith is not the same as simply walking on the ground. If you feel like "stepping out in faith" is synonymous to stepping out onto thin air, you're wrong. God is our solid rock; unlike our ground here on earth, we do not always feel Him. Also unlike our ground here on earth, He is a lot more faithful and stable.

"Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
23 They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
24 “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“Therefore I hope in Him!”
-Lamentations 3:22-24

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Selfless Love: Others

So, just a few minutes ago I was calmly and quietly freaking out because God gave me a small overview of what I would have to go through this week and I was not a happy camper. In fact I was scared, sad, and lonely. After a while, He reminded me of how I had told one of my friends, “Whenever I get really upset over (something we are similar dealing with), I will pray for you.”

Huh, what a good idea, Daddy. Since my freaking out about me isn’t doing any good, I will pray for someone else who needs and will benefit from it. And look! Now my problems aren’t as huge and overbearing as I thought after shifting my focus from me to You and what You are doing in my sister-in-Christ’s life… Funny how that works…


I’m going to eat oatmeal now J

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Selfless Love: Shifting Our Focus

There comes a time in the midst of our crying out to God when we need to put ourselves aside and set us in God’s hands. What I mean is that we can get so down on ourselves—how foolish, weak, hurtful, etc. we are—that we lose sight of who God is, in all His faithful, beautiful, and loving-ness. So, after we have exhausted our vocabulary for harsh names to call ourselves (or if one is feeling particularly bold, BEFORE we go this far), we need to set ourselves with all of our brokenness in our Selfless Father’s hands and begin to selflessly Love like He does. This first happens when we shift our focus from ourselves to Him, and continues when we lift up others to Him :D

“praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints” Ephesians 6:18 KJV

Closer - Steffany Frizzell and Matt Stinton

"You could love me more in a moment than other lovers could in a lifetime."

Saturday, January 5, 2013


God keeps reminding me that me needing His mercy and Grace does not mean I will "mess up big time" in the future; it means I will always need Him and He will always be there.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


This post has nothing to do with chicken...

This past December, God has been teaching me about loving selflessly: not loving in order to be loved back, loving in order to be understood, or loving in order to be satisfied in some way, shape or form. This kind of love does not seek what can be gained but instead what can be given, all to the glory of God and the honor and blessing of others. I have been safely learning this lesson while home for Christmas break, and by this time next week I will continue being taught this at school… with a lot more people… and I feel a lot of fear right now.

I have personally come to the conclusion that I do not completely understand God or myself. I know that He is perfect and keeps His promises; I know that I am imperfect and do not always keep my word. I know that He is forever faithful; I know that sometimes I’m just not in the mood to care. I know that He has my best interest in mind; I know that there are times when I just want what I want, so get off of my case, thank you! But love—the kind we learn to give to those we care about most as well as those we care never to see again—that kind of love changes you. It gets down to the heart of things, shines a light, and says, “Yep. We have quite a bit of work to do. Are you up for it?” And let me tell you, it is an option. True love is not going to force you to do anything. True love is going to look at you with its big, beautiful, innocent eyes and ask you if you are willing to partake in a lifelong process that will cause you to work harder and give more of yourself than you ever thought possible. But you know what I found to be amazing? In that process, we can experience more joy than if we partook in the world’s cheap, selfish version of love.

I’m sleepy. I will spend the rest of tonight, tomorrow, and the next few weeks thinking about this, living it out, and crying about some things, no doubt (because that’s what I do when I am overcome with lots o’ emotion, and that is just bound to happen before the month is passed).

Otay, I pray this blesses someone. Good night! Jesus loves you J

P.S.—I believe those tears I will shed will be good ones, the kind that tear down pride and make a little woman out of me and continue to show me the beauty of leaning on God’s strength in my weakness. So, there’s no need for me to be afraid J


God's teaching me that the problem or the cause of some of our pain is not always that we are not loved, but that we are not loved as we would like to be...

This is part of the beauty of having a relationship with God: Even when our human relationships are imperfect, we can run to His loving arms and depend on Him to not only heal our hurting hearts but also bring renewing and beauty to our human relationships in His perfect timing :)