Wednesday, January 2, 2013


This post has nothing to do with chicken...

This past December, God has been teaching me about loving selflessly: not loving in order to be loved back, loving in order to be understood, or loving in order to be satisfied in some way, shape or form. This kind of love does not seek what can be gained but instead what can be given, all to the glory of God and the honor and blessing of others. I have been safely learning this lesson while home for Christmas break, and by this time next week I will continue being taught this at school… with a lot more people… and I feel a lot of fear right now.

I have personally come to the conclusion that I do not completely understand God or myself. I know that He is perfect and keeps His promises; I know that I am imperfect and do not always keep my word. I know that He is forever faithful; I know that sometimes I’m just not in the mood to care. I know that He has my best interest in mind; I know that there are times when I just want what I want, so get off of my case, thank you! But love—the kind we learn to give to those we care about most as well as those we care never to see again—that kind of love changes you. It gets down to the heart of things, shines a light, and says, “Yep. We have quite a bit of work to do. Are you up for it?” And let me tell you, it is an option. True love is not going to force you to do anything. True love is going to look at you with its big, beautiful, innocent eyes and ask you if you are willing to partake in a lifelong process that will cause you to work harder and give more of yourself than you ever thought possible. But you know what I found to be amazing? In that process, we can experience more joy than if we partook in the world’s cheap, selfish version of love.

I’m sleepy. I will spend the rest of tonight, tomorrow, and the next few weeks thinking about this, living it out, and crying about some things, no doubt (because that’s what I do when I am overcome with lots o’ emotion, and that is just bound to happen before the month is passed).

Otay, I pray this blesses someone. Good night! Jesus loves you J

P.S.—I believe those tears I will shed will be good ones, the kind that tear down pride and make a little woman out of me and continue to show me the beauty of leaning on God’s strength in my weakness. So, there’s no need for me to be afraid J

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