Tuesday, October 16, 2012

C0ntentment and Stability

Today I woke up to my Father’s arms around me, and it was beautiful because it’s a feeling I have longed for for forever. Even so, in the midst of feeling loved, I have this tendency to wander away from the Source of my strength.

God’s love is constant; that’s something I cannot wrap my mind around because I don’t know anyone or anything else that is constant. In my generation, everything changes quickly. From music styles to iPhones to someone’s love interest to my view of God—there seems to be no keeping up.

Am I the only one who feels the need, after an extended period of time of being at peace and sensing God’s Love, to find something different to fill the hole in my heart—that God-shaped hole. I want something new, something tangible, something that feels different; I stop pursuing, stop seeking, because I don’ feel like I need Him anymore. But then something bad, scary, or life-changing happens… and I need my Daddy again. Really?

“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.” Deuteronomy 6:4

In one of the books from my Bible classes, I learned that this verse, which is repeated throughout Deuteronomy, speaks on God’s consistent character 1. He is never-changing, He is constant. There is no “God of the Old Testament” and “God of the New Testament”. There is One God, YHWH, and every time I type, read, or really thinking about that, my world comes to a stop and it’s as if everything in me recognizes this statement they haven’t heard for a long time.

God, You have been so good. Father, I don’t know why it is that You have the desire to reach out to me the way You do, but I could never be thankful enough. Daddy, don’t let me walk away from Your arms. Incline my heart to Yours so that “all my delight is in You Lord”2. I am not saying that people, or even things, are bad. However, when we start obsessing over who we need to be surrounded by right now, how it doesn't feel the same when I don’t have A, B, and C with me—that’s when the problem arises. If what Christ offered us when He died on the cross was a relationship, why do we neglect what we have with our Savior when we need Him the most?

All in all, I know better than to run away from Him, no matter how hyper, discontent, or whatever I am in the moment. Family and friends—golly, even material things—are a blessing, and I will cherish the people and be thankful for the objects while they are in my life. However, I know who my Constant is, and I will spend my life pursuing Him and giving Him my love :D

 Arnold, B.T. & Beyer, B. E. (2008). Encountering the Old Testament: A Christian survey. p.146. Grand Rapids:MI. BakerAcademic.

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