Thursday, May 23, 2013

Grace again...and again... and again...

By the time I leave this earth, I know I will have written well over 1,000 posts on Grace. Seriously. defines of Grace is as follows:

elegance or beauty of form, manner, motion, or action.
a pleasing or attractive quality or endowment
favor or goodwill
a manifestation of favor, especially by a superior
mercy; clemency; pardon

When  think of I think of Urban Dictionary. Here are few of their definitions (most of them had to do with a girl names Grace…):

1.         Grace
A admired feminine forename.
1) The swan glided over the lake gracefully.
2) Me: 'Grace is the cutest girl ever, She makes my heart beat faster, she's so beautyful. If you ever go out with her, you are one lucky guy...'

2.         Grace
Beauty, sunrises, singing birds, blossoming flowers. All those things that remind us why life is worth living.
Heaven on earth. A star to light your life.

3.         Grace
A girl who is the best of the best. Very artsy with an extreme amount of elegance, thus her name. This entails beautiful face, voice, mind, body, soul, thoughts, and aptitude in the arts. This girl is usually the best in everything. Thought to be a rare jewel, she is one to be held on to. One should not be surprised if this is difficult at least, for Grace is captivating to all around her.

I have no idea why I wanted to look up the term “Grace” on, but you know what I found: nothing inappropriate! But more than that, all the definitions were positive descriptions of the word (or, in most cases, the girl).

Personally, I have not always seen Grace as something positive. For most of my life it was actually a mystery. “My Grace is sufficient for you,” Jesus tells Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:9. But what does that mean, I wondered. God’s Grace is enough? Is it enough to block the pain from experiences that hurt more than I like to admit? Is it enough to give me what I need to go on and fulfill the commitments that no longer seem worth it? Is it enough to help me not drag everyone around me down even though I don’t have the strength to keep going? What is this mysterious Grace, and can it be compacted into an all-in-one pill so that I can take one dose and be set for life?

Well, I do not have a straight-from-God’s-mouth definition for you. However, I do know what I have come to understand it to be. As of this very moment, I have understood Grace to be God Himself coming alongside me and saying, “Daughter, I see you cannot do this on your own; allow me to walk with you through this, and when the burden gets heavy, talk to me about and allow me be with you each step”.

This, in my opinion, is a narrow definition of Grace because it is only being defined in light of our burdens. What about when we sin? I believe what is extended to us then is called mercy. What about when others wrong us or when they are seeking out our help? I believe then we are called to extend mercy and Grace to others. That does not meant that we should allow cruel people to cling to us and drag us down; but I do believe it means we do not harbor unforgiveness or bitterness in our hearts. And when it comes to those we are journeying through life with, I have come to see Grace as that which is extended in love and without keeping count of how many times it has been given.
So, that’s what I have to say about Grace for now.

Grace is beautiful and deep and an extension of Love itself :)

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