Saturday, November 17, 2012


Today I was shaken to my core by the realization that I not only need God, but I must have Him.
Let me explain via a short story:
I use to hate the song "How He Loves Me." I remember when I first heard it; standing there in church with my arms down at my side in defiance, I told God "This is not a worship song. We're supposed to be worshipping You, not telling ourselves how much You love us. We're supposed to be loving You." I remember God telling me, "Sing that song to Me," which made no logical sense to me (I truly believe that one day I will fully understand that God is not bound by human logic). I know that God has called us to surrender our lives to Him, but do we know what that looks like. And, call me overly emotional, but do we know what that feels like? Well, I do not know how to explain it to you, but I can tell you that as I sang "How He Loves Us" to my Daddy, and every time I have sung it afterward, I have felt His Love. And if you thought the love of a friend, family member, or lover was indescribable and incomparable… You should join me as I taste and see that the Lord is good :D
The reason why only God can fulfill us is because He is the only entity that exists without the help of others-- anything and everything else exist as a result of His creating it. Today I was shaken to my core by the realization that I not only need God, but I must have Him.

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